Import & export your deals

In this section, you will find insights on how to organize your contacts in ActiveCampaign.

Import Deals:

  1. Go to the Deals section in ActiveCampaign.

  2. Click on the "Import" button.

  3. Choose the CSV file that contains the deals you want to import.

  4. Map the fields in the CSV file to the corresponding fields in ActiveCampaign.

  5. Click "Import" and wait for the process to complete.

Make sure that the CSV file you're importing contains the required fields for the deals to be imported, such as deal name, value, and stage. You can also include additional fields, like description, contact or company, and custom fields.

The required fields are:

  • Pipeline

  • Stage

  • Deal Title

  • Deal Owner (email address or username)

  • Contact (ActiveCampaign ID or email address) or Account (ActiveCampaign ID or Name)

Export Deals

  1. Go to the Deals section in ActiveCampaign.

  2. Select the deals you want to export.

  3. Click on the "Export" button.

You can export all deals or just a selection of deals based on specific criteria like stage or associated contact or company. This allows you to analyze your sales data in external tools and make data-driven decisions.

Check the full process in our step-by-step tutorial here below! 👇

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us for free assistance, we are happy to help you.

Last updated