How to segment your lists

In this section, you will find insights on how to segment your lists in ActiveCampaign.

It's likely that at some point you’ve heard about the option to send a campaign to a specific group of contacts within one of your lists in ActiveCampaign. For this, it's necessary to create a list segment. This will be very useful for differentiating your users and communicating with them in a personalized way.

How are list segments created?

  1. In the lists section, select the list you want to create and click on the submenu on the right.

  2. Choose the "Segments and Segmentation" option to view your available segments. If you don’t have any, click on "New Segment."

  3. Assign a name to the segment and set the conditions that will define which contacts will be part of this group.

  4. For example, you can create a segment for contacts that have a specific tag. By clicking on "View Subscribers," you’ll see everyone who meets these conditions.

  5. This way, you can set the conditions you want for your segments.

In this section's tutorial, we’ll show you how to create list segments in ActiveCampaign.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us for free assistance, we are happy to help you.

Last updated